Life is our greatest work in progress, & our biggest collaboration. I am feeling infinite possibilities & joy at what we have created together today & what we will create together tomorrow 💫
One of my favorite dreams/visions I had was seeing so many human stories, living the lives of these people, then zooming out to see how they made up the whole world then the whole universe, & that each story was part of holographic cosmic patchwork quilt, a whole universe. Poetry book coming
each soul journey
as the part of the Whole
liberates us all more and more
to activate the power within
to receive the gifts given
to rise to our fullest
simultaneously contributed
to let the true spirit
shine uninhibited
in each heart purified
clear and full of light
upon reflection
one can witness
within its multi-facets
a diamond shining forth
the brilliance
of the sublime
universally combined
reflecting the All
the One Divine
© Imagika Om