Creating from scratch
Romancing the Unknown
Making love to the New
remembering timelessness
merging the future now unfolding with ancient ways
The Ancient Future.
Where we go even deeper
and where we come to each other
with a stronger connection then ever before.
I am into the now & also the new
the next level
what is now & yet to come
moving moment by moment
while at the same time naturally
there is a moving forward
moving towards
the next
within every moment
merged with the foundation of our essence
our primordial nature, our essential self,
in infinite evolution
Do not seek to go back, that is where regression lives
There is no way to stay frozen in time, that is where stagnation dwells
our nature even in stillness is moving through time
moment by moment
transforming also means letting go of what no longer serves
so that something new can be birthed